Mold Assessor Serving Albany, Schenectady, Troy, Saratoga Springs and Clifton Park NY - Rotondi Mold Assessors

Rotondi Mold Assessors is licensed to assist you in identifying mold issues in your home or business. In New York State, it is now law that a Mold Assessor License must be held by any business that:
  • engages in mold assessment on a project,
  • advertises that it is a mold assessment company, or
  • holds itself out as a mold assessment company.
AND by any individual who inspects or assesses property for the purpose of discovering:
  • mold,
  • conditions that facilitate mold, and/or
  • any conditions that indicate they are likely to encourage mold.
* Source: If you think you may have a mold issue that needs remediation, call us today at 518.852.9090, or use our [Book an Appointment] form.